Registration Process

1.     A candidate shall be enrolled for his/her formal studies at the beginning of the semester following admission and placement. An applicant who has applied for admission and met the requirements can register for a placement with the approval of the Registrar Office.

2.   Registration is made in each Campus of the College during the announced dates on the academic calendar of the College.

3.     To be registered and be entitled for all services of the College, all newly enrolled students should:

·        Appear in person with all the original authentic educational documents,

·        Collect the registration slip from the registrar office

·        Write the proper course title and course numbers on the slip,

·        Pay the registration and tuition fee,

·        Get the registration slip stamped and collect identification card as well as the program of the semester.

4.     Every student is required to register every semester and submit a copy of the registration slip to the registrar office.

·        Appear in person with all the original authentic educational documents,

·        Collect the registration slip from the registrar office

·        Write the proper course title and course numbers on the slip,

·        Pay the registration and tuition fee,

·        Get the registration slip stamped and collect identification card as well as the program of the semester.

Late Registration

Students who appear after the due date for registration will be given a chance to register with penalty based on the academic calendar of the University College.

Identification Card (ID)

A non-transferable identification card shall be given to a student registering at the College. Identification cards are issued to all new students with a fee. The card, which requires careful handling, is a means to get services and facilities in the College.