Available Programs
- Accounting
- Management
- Educational planning and management
- Rural development and agricultural extension
Undergraduate Admission
Admissions to all Distance undergraduate programs are processed according to the College’s admission policies and procedures.
Admissions to all undergraduate continuing, and distance education programs shall be processed through the College Registrar taking into account the Senate’s Recruitment and Admission Committee (RAC) criteria applicable to the College of Distance Education (CDE).
Post Graduate
Graduate Studies Program
Graduate Programs was established in 2007 E.C to run the postgraduate studies in various disciplines in line with the * national development objectives.
Its major goals are to produce professionals who:
- Identify analyze and intervene on societal problems
- Undertake basic and applied research pertinent to the felt needs of the society.
- Improve the practice and profession of their respective fields
- Contribute to societal development
Admission to Graduate Programs
- Admission to Distance graduate programs is processed by the registrar and granted by the respective academic departments/units based on the requirements in the curriculum including entrance examination.
TVET Program
Tvet Program at Addis Ababa, Logia Campus and Gilgelbeles:
- ITSS level I & II
- Database Administration level III & IV
- Hardware & Networking Service level III & IV
- Basic Clerical Works level I
- Clerical Work Support level II
- Human Resource Operation level III
- Human Resource Supervision level IV
- Customer Contact Works Support level II
- Customer Contact & Secretarial Operation level III
- Customer Contact & Secretarial Operation Coordination level IV
- Basic Account Works level II
- Accounts & Budget Support level III
- Accounts & Budget Service level IV